Sitemap - 2012 - Music Machinery

The Music We Lost in 2012

How music recommendation works - and doesn't work

TimesOpen 2012 Hack Day Wrap-Up

No Kyle, music discovery isn't a lie

Dynamically adjusting the tweet button

Tuning the Infinite Jukebox

4'33" Visualized

Why does the Infinite Jukebox only work in Chrome and Safari?

An Infinite Thanksgiving

Johnny Cash Has Been EVERYWHERE (Man)!

Visualizing the Structure of Pop Music

High Five Hero

The Infinite Jukebox

Swinging Gangnam Style

Infinite Gangnam Style for iPhone

Infinite Gangnam Style

Strangest political music news stories

Top 50 Most Political Artists

Music Tech Meetup in Dublin

Bangarang Boomerang

Music, Tech, Art and Interactivity in one great party

Hear Here update

What's your musical stereotype?

A brief History of Rock N'Roll in 100 Riffs

Hear Here Version 0.3

Music Hacker's Hall Of Fame

Hear Here version 0.1

Roadtrip Mixtape

What happens when you bring a fan on stage?

Austin climbing the Most Musical City chart with a bullet!

What is the most musical city in the United States?

Wordpress now supports embedding of Spotify, Rdio and Gists.

Rethink Music Hackers' Weekend

Map of Music Styles

Why streaming recommendations are different than DVD recommendations at Netflix

The Hack Day Manifesto

Why do Music Hackers hack?

The Spotify Play Button - a lightening demo

Syncing Echo Nest analysis to Spotify Playback

Writing an Echo Nest + Spotify App

Is music getting more profane?

The Duke Listens! Archive

Waltzify - turn any 4/4 song into a waltz with Echo Nest remix

Slides for my Data Mining Music talk

Data Mining Music at SXSW

Boil the Frog - the unreleased Spotify Version

Hackathons are not nonsense

Billboard wins!

Paul vs. Billboard

Building a Seatwave + Echo Nest App

The Midem Music Machine

The clean desk award

Who is the A$%#hole?

Controlling the artist distribution in playlists

Using The Echo Nest to get the top 100 Twitter artists

2011 in review

3D Spotify Music Explorer

Have artist names been getting longer?

Save Justin Bieber from the death metal